FC-i Products
FC-i an innovative game-changer for insulation

Ecological insulation for all aspects of building constructions

FC-i is made from residual streams from the forestry-, horticulture and food production chains. A bio-composite that is fully circular and meets the Bouwbesluit (Dutch building decree). A perfect ecological thermic insulation for flat-, slanting- and tilting roofs in prefabricated applications. FC-i is 100% re-usable after renovation or demolition of buildings. A new dimension to energy neutral thinking.

With a vision to tackle and compete with all petrochemical insulation, FC-insulation continues its R&D in ecological insulation for all elements of building constructions, like walls, floors, and roofs.

Production process

Climate measures are talk of the town. Building projects are stopped or delayed. By capturing and storage of CO2, FC-i is significantly contributing to the climate targets of the government. Look into a future where the structure of a building will be fully ecologically insulated, whereby the inside temperature remains below 23C, resulting in a diminished use of air conditioning. Some studies suggest that in 2050 app. 25% of global heating will be caused by air conditioning. In line with our FC-i mission we are exploring the options to run the plant in Veenoord on solar energy in combination with bio-fermentation and rest heat from industrial neighbors.


In line with our FC-i mission the plant in Veenoord runs on solar energy in combination with bio fermentation and rest-heat from industrial neighbors. Noticeable warnings from documentaries, like A life on Our Planet of Sir David Attenborough and an Inconvenient Truth from Al Gore from further back, cannot be a voice crying in the wilderness.  Industries must become sustainably active and take their responsibility to make the difference.

The Power of FC-i Insulation

100%-Biologisch- afbreekbaar



Low shadow costs


CO2 neutral


Moisture resistant/ water repellent


Flame resistant


High bearing capacity


High density


Easy to process

Cradle to cradle

Cradle to Cradle




Resistant against high humidity

Products FC-i

FC-i is biological degradable.

It meets the standards of the Dutch building decree 2021/2030. Insulation for flat roofs. Type FC-I 008

Product specifications:

Size:                                          60x120x12 cm

Product type (RC-value):     3,08m2.K/W

Lambda value:                       0,037-0,043 W/mK

Density:                                   app. 130 kg/m3 app. 170kPa

Caloric storage capacity:    800J/kgK

Volume mass:                        48 kg/m3

Smoke density :                     app. 18

Questions about our circular insulation materials?

By developing and producing biological insulation materials for the building industry FC-i strives for a greener planet. Do you also want to strive for a greener planet?

Do not hesitate to contact us!