First Circular Insulation
Building a better future

Biological Insulation Material

FC-i manufacturer of biological and circular insulation material for the building industry produced from residual streams of the forestry-, agricultural- and horticulture industry. The natural working of mycelium during the patented production process results in a unique and strong bio-composite, complying with all modern (building)standards.

The building materials are harder and more durable than those presently available on the market. Moreover 100% circular, at the end of the useful life of a building we will take in the insulation material to use again. This is completely in line with the EU target to be climate neutral in 2050. For FC-i the 2050 target is already achievable now!

The FC-i production process involves the capture and storage of CO2 (emission negative) and therefore has a positive effect on emissions. The Carbon Credits that are built up are traded and exchanged with rest of the production chain (suppliers and customers).

The Power of FC-i Insulation

100%-Biologisch- afbreekbaar



Low shadow costs


CO2 neutral

How do we produce our circular building materials?

FC-insulation produces its biological insulation material for the building industry in Veenoord (municipality of Emmen).

First Circulair Insulation

An innovative game-changer for the building industry.

Our mission

FC-i’s mission is to develop biological and fully circular insulation solutions for construction that are energy efficient and directly contribute to a CO2 neutral 2050.


Valorisation project OPSNN0356 ‘Mycelium Bio-composite for flat roof insulation’

In this project FS-Insulation and MyCellTech have developed a process to produce flat roof insulation panels based on mycelium bio-composite. This resulted in a final draft for an automated commercial production line.

We thank the European Union and the Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland for their financial contribution.

Publicatietekst FS-I OPSNN0356-img

Questions about our circular insulation materials?

By developing and producing biological insulation materials for the building industry FC-i strives for a greener planet. Do you also want to strive for a greener planet?

Do not hesitate to contact us!
